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Choosing God in Hard Times


Ever wonder where God is? Ever yell at Him wondering why things are/were so indescribably hard? Wonder if all your prayers really are heard? Or why you were asked to go through something so unwanted? Ever wonder if He cares about you? Or if He is even there at all?

‘Cuz same.

But I’ve dedicated so much to travel & talk about the hard & real & HOW to choose God in hard times. How to keep going when you feel like you can’t. How to be happy & optimistic when you feel like you can’t. How to build confidence & a real relationship with God & how to allow Him the chance to show us how awesome He really is!

After 8 years, 21 states & 4 total countries, I hope the cd release of my live Fireside can bring you strength to stay close to the coolest, all-powerful, living Being to ever exist, to embrace the unexpected, & to really THRIVE regardless of what comes our way.

I’M COMING TO SALT LAKE: **this Thursday** November 15th, SLC Deseret Book 4-6pm. COME CELEBRATE WITH ME!

xox AL

SIGNED copies of “More Than the Tattooed Mormon” are on Amazon for a limited time!

| Audio CD: HERE. | eBook: HERE.

Fireside CD edition: HERE.

“Cheers to Eternity”: HERE. | Audio CD: HERE. | eBook: HERE.

More products: journals, home decor, jewelry, HERE.

Instagram: @alcarraway | Twitter: @alcarraway | Facebook

Speaking Schedule, HERE.

Book a Fireside: HERE



© 2023 by Al Carraway. With God we have every reason to be wildly optimistic.

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