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Everything we learned was poured into this thing. It’s a whole lot of the funny, the embarrassing, the honest, and the uplifting. We wrote this with the intention of it being for singles and newlyweds, but we are so completely surprised that almost all of our feedback, reviews, and comments are from marriage veterans of 20+ years, and wow has it been overwhelmingly amazing to read their responses!
WOW to my mom. My non-member, 60 yr olf, divorced mom, who read our book and said, “I gotta tell you . . . if I had your new book back in the day . . . it would have saved our marriage.” If she can be impacted by our book, I’m excited at the possibility of others who can to be too.
It isn’t an advice book. It isn’t us telling you how to live. It isn’t us giving the answers in bullet points. But it is us opening up. It is us talking about important and hard things. It is us telling you our failures. Our lessons. And it is very much us promoting making the time to be together and be happy. It’s about looking and creating the good and the exciting. It’s about searching for and loving God together. It’s about being productive in trials. It’s about coming together and strengthening. It’s about not taking anything for granted and making sure our spouse is respected and treated like the best friend they were when we said, I Do.
It’s about remembering what God has brought us and taking advantage of it so we can flourish! Because we believe that marriage is of God. And all things God asks us to do are to help us and to make us be happy. Because isn’t it so true that, in general, our biggest downfall in life is not fully realizing what we have and taking things for granted? (And it may or may not also be about Ben’s bad jokes and several references to The Office).
Back Cover blurb:
“We love being married! (We don’t think people say that enough.)”
Author of the bestseller More Than the Tattooed Mormon, Al Carraway and her husband, Ben, remind you that marriage isn’t supposed to be “serious and hard.” A successful marriage is one that you build as a team—emphasizing constant communication, working through hard times together, and (above all) remembering to put God first.
Using a wonderfully open dialogue, the Carraway’s share the funny, embarrassing, and honest lessons and struggles that have shaped their life together.
Written for singles, newlyweds, and marriage veterans, Cheers to Eternity will help you bring new insights into your relationships, keep life in perspective, and make the rest of your life here and in eternity exciting, amazing, and meaningful.”
And we are SO grateful to all the AMAZING people that read our book and contributed to the back cover & ‘praise for’ page:

Jon Heder, Actor from Blades of Glory & Napoleon Dynamite:
“These inspiring words are filled with so many positive vibes, Al and Ben make you feel that any relationship can be peaches and cream. They kinda make me want to get married again…uhhh, you know what I mean.”

Jimmer Fredette, Professional Basketball Player:
“Cheers to Eternity” is stellar book for anyone in a relationship. The book is funny, thoughtful, informative and very real. They use amazing experiences from their life and others lives that are relatable to everyone. I love how they reminds us all to laugh everyday and to try and not take everything so seriously all the time. They have an awesome perspective on dating, marriage, and life in general. Loved reading this book!”

Alex Boye, singer & songwriter:
“When Nephi built a ship, it was said to have been made “not after the manner of men.”It reminds me of this book. It is very unique and you can tell from page one that this book was God-inspired! This book is an absolute home run, and I guarantee you by the time you finished the book, you’ll be begging for a sequel!!”

Brad Wilcox, BYU Professor and author of The Continuous Atonement:
“I first met Al and Ben when they were engaged so I have been blessed to watch their marriage and family develop from the beginning. I’m proud of them for all they have learned and for their willingness to now teach the rest of us with their trademark honesty and candor. This book will validate the good things you are doing and remind you of a few things you can do better. Most of all, it will reassure you that with God all things are possible–especially a strong and happy marriage.”

Hank Smith PhD, speaker & author of Be Happy:
“Al and Ben hit a home run with this book. If you’re married or hoping to be married one day, their message is for you. I felt like I was having a fun conversation with old friends. Each chapter is authentic and relevant. And while they don’t skip the tough issues, I found myself laughing out loud at their funny back-and-forth style. Don’t put this book back on the shelf, it’s worth your time.”
Zandra Vranes, speaker & author of Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons:

“It’s so easy to get carried away with the Carraway’s! Ben and Al’s conversation-style book on marriage will make you laugh, cry, and feel all the feels. Their candor is refreshing and their chemistry as a couple comes to life on each page. Filled with lessons they’ve learned thus far on their journey together, their book speaks openly and easily about not just the ups, but also the downs that accompany even the best marriages. Whether you’re just thinking about marriage or you’ve been in the matrimony game for quite some time, Ben and Al’s insights will speak to you. Their words of truth remind us that if Jesus can turn water into wine, then He can make a Christ-centered marriage truly divine…so CHEERS TO ETERNITY!”

“More Than the Tattooed Mormon“: HERE.
Audio CD: HERE.
eBook: HERE.
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Social: @22alfox
Speaking Schedule, HERE.