PET PEEVE: Forgive me for feeling completely confused, (& hurt) when I get messages saying how they hate seeing my pictures because of coming off that my life is “perfect,” but admitting to never reading anything I’ve written.
For the past 6 yrs I have consistently wrote about the times I have felt ugly, when I felt I wasn’t good enough, when I’ve felt abandoned by God, unemployed times, when my engagement failed, family turmoil, times of anguish, times of death and loss, times of severe loneliness and persecution and sacred experiences. I have wrote of the times I’ve SCREAMED at God, losing my voice, wondering where He is, why things needed to be so hard or why I was denied things that meant so much to me. I have been very specific of almost ALL of my challenges in my blog. My book is in great detail of just my trials and how HARD life is. My firesides are in great detail of those times I’ve wondered if He truly cares about us and when we feel our prayers are unanswered.
If you are under the impression my life is easy— my book is avail. at Deseret Book & here is the link to all my blog posts .😉
Everyone’s experiences are different but we all feel the same. To think that we haven’t all felt those same feelings of loneliness, or doubt, or defeat or etc.., is SO silly. When we have shame in the feelings we all have, when we are embarrassed and silent in these feelings we all have, everyone loses. I have found great strength and connection and growth sharing all of those times.