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March 2020 & Feb. 2021: our 1st home church VS. finally going back to church for the 1st time.

Wild, wild, huh. We did home Church in 4 different places that we were living in; 2 homes in AZ, & then ALLLLLLL the way across the country to NY, +a hotel when we were houseless for 5 weeks. I felt like Nephi & his family when they asked by the Lord HIMSELF to travel years & years in the midst of unknown, uncharted wilderness to the “land of promise,” an ongoing trial that threatened his life several times.

ONLY TO HEAR the Lord then tell them, when they FINALLY got there & started to settle in– that they needed to leave.☠️ ⚰️ 

To pack up. To keep going. To continue to sacrifice  & travel PAST the promised land & past original counsel  & find a different home, (the land of Nephi). 

This past year has felt a lot like that. Honestly, that is the exact outline of my entire life😂 But definitely this year, we’ve done a lot of discovery & listening & replanning & sacrificing & course corrections & new paths to zig zag & push to where we are now.  BUT I have learned over & over that my FAVORITE things have come from embracing the unexpected  & seeing my seasons through  & allowing Him the opportunity to show us how great He really is!

And through it all, life is VIBRANT & beautiful & rewarding. And even better than I had planned.

Ain’t the the truest of trues when we let God be God.


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