I JUST got baptized, and I still didn’t know much about anything as far as the gospel and how things worked: like prayer, I still didn’t even know if I was praying “right,” haha.
And I heard an experience from another member which actively confused me up until recently – ya know, 8 years later.
She said a lady and her husband went to the temple and separately, they both received the same revelation that they were pregnant with a boy and they were supposed to name him a specific name. When the couple reunited in the celestial room, you can imagine how AMAZING it was that they both separately received the same.exact.revelation as each other. Down the same name that the spirit whispered to them seperately that they should call him. NO WAY was that a coincidence when that happened, especially when in the temple.
But then they went to the doctors, and they found out they were pregnant, but with a girl.
So at the time of this story being told to me, that was it. I was told that it was “false revelation” and there was a kink in the blessing they felt they were supposed to get.
Anyways-I’ll come back to this. Let’s fast forward 8 years later to me now.
Throughout 6 years-ever since Ben & I started dating, I have received sooooo many promptings AND priesthood blessings saying we need to move to NY. Like, seriously, so many. I can count 5 priesthood blessings just off the top of my head right now mentioning us living in New York. Every time we heard or felt that—we prepared to go for it. BUT— It. NEVER. Worked. Out. Ever. …..what the???…
How can God tell us to move to NY, but then stop us from making it happen? How Could God tell us to move to NY but then we moved to Arizona, and that was right?
And then we moved back to Utah & that was divinely inspired and profoundly right, too?
I get it— it’s confusing & easy to say that God wasn’t right, or that He isn’t real, or maybe we messed up along the way, or whoa-that was just a weird thought!
But, here I am… 6 years later….in New York.
Now you know my years of unrest I’ve had with this husband and wife temple thing. Here’s the honest report back: As everything was coming together for us, you can imagine their experience from 2009 came into my mind again. And here I was in 2018 trying to Facebook stalk a family I’d never met before. There they were. Nine years and a few kids later, the last one was, in fact, a boy. Wild, huh?
Let’s not allow passing time dim the truthfulness of God’s promises to you. Blessings do come. But they don’t come in order. xox AL
Related: Is God Always Good? When Opportunities Pass Am I the Exception to Relief or Blessings? Our Unwanted & Unexpected When Things Get Worse When Things Are Dark & Undesired Modern-day Murmuring When You Feel Alone
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